Despite the modernization of Iranian military tactics in the 19th century, traditional weapons and armor, like such as this example of a helmet (Khula Kud), continued to be built. The Khula Kud was part of the full uniform inspired in Persian tradition. Its purpose is not so clear; it may have been used for military parades, religious ceremonies historical theater or a souvenir for travelers at the end of the century, like Pedro Del Rio Zañartu.
This helmet, with its feline face and horns, seems to be inspired from the Iranian national epic the Shahnama or Shanameh (Book of Kings). The tiger’s face and the horns refer to the weapons used by the hero Rustam; therefore, the inscriptions probably refer to this hero from the Shahnama.
Persian helmet
Persian helmet
Periods: 19th century, Siglo XIX
Dimensions: 29 cm. height x23.5 width