About Us

Digital Museum

This page was created thanks to financing from the FNDR line – Culture Grant from the Regional Government of Biobío. The Project in question called: “Pedro del Río Zañartu Digital Museum of Asian Art, a projection of the Biobío to Asia Region in the context of APEC” , was managed by the Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo Asia Pacífico, CEDAP de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (UCSC). The initiative consisted in the creation of an interactive web page aimed at young students and the general public with an interest in learning about Asian cultures through Art. The Pedro del Río Zañartu Museum houses a valuable collection of Asian pieces, which were investigated and selected by a group of experts based on their historical and aesthetic value. .

The website, created for demonstration and educational purposes, contains various interactive games that promote knowledge and entertaining learning of Asian culture.

The members of the work team of the project in question correspond to:

Project Manager

Gonzalo Bordagaray Bellolio

Director and Curator of the PDRZ Museum

Valentina Valencia Aguayo


Mary Hayes

2D Photographs

Felipe González Vásquez

Web Design


Project Coordinator

Claudia Becerra Pizzani

PDRZ Museum Marketing Director

David Guala Cordero


Llanküray Risso Sepúlveda

3D Images


Chief Investigator

María José Inda de la Cerda

Specialist Researcher

María Elvira Ríos Peñafiel

Specialist Researcher

Pedro Iacobelli Del Piano

Interactive Games

Centro de Formación y Recursos didácticos (CDRF), Universidad de Concepción
