Qi Baishi is one of the most celebrated Chinese artists of modern times. A Chinese ink artist and a calligrapher, he painted portraits, landscapes and specially flowers, like the loquats in the image, insects and birds. He is widely admired in China and his works are highly prized in the art market. This replica should not be considered unworthy for not being original, since the copy as a tradition is the way to pass on the masters’ work.
Qi Baishi’s ink paintings are spontaneous and expressive in color, simple in themes and expressive in the stroke. His name is written in brush and in black ink calligraphy, which means white stone. Below, the cinnabar red seal is an art in itself as engraving and as a written stamp in the style unique to stamps.
Ink Painting Qi Baishi Replica
Ink Painting Qi Baishi Replica
Periods: Mid 20th century
Dimensions: 28 cm. x 21 cm.
Materials: Chinese Ink on Paper