This painting is from the last stage of the Qing Dynasty and portrays a high class young lady with her female escort. The woman poses with a closed fan between her legs, sitting on a chair, a common posture for those who have lotus feet or chanzu. The feminine beauty ideal of the lotus feet is an ancient
tradition practiced by the Han and adopted later on by the Manchu of the last Chinese dynasty.
The fruit bowl and vase with orchids on the table are symbols of the refined Chinese literati culture. The woman’s bright blue costume has a design of clouds, birds, water, four peaches and a peony at the edge of her dress, indicating her high rank.
Miniature painting of a seated lady
Miniature painting of a seated lady
Periods: End of 19th century, beginning of 20th century,
Dimensions: 17 cm. x 11 cm.
Materials: Polychrome ink on aralia paper or tongcao